2014년 12월 12일 금요일

After extravaganza hangouts with 318 mates

Af first i was actually afraid of doing hangout.

Because I,ve never done this activity before and i'm not good at speaking english.

But during the class, professor made circumstances to speak english many times and also my 318mates help me to speak english.

So, I could prepare with sungji in the cafe manytimes and we tried to do our best
Also there are 318mates in order to hear our hangout activity and many friends exchange opinions

and we can also heard proff. jeff's opinion.

So, if i  summary this experience -> beginning is of fear ending is of sorrowful

because that was our last activity... but it doesn't matter. when time passes, we must meet again.

And I really recommend this applicatin(hangout) to everyone who wants to learn or contact english.

and if you guys use 3g or 4g, then i hope your next month's fee will much higher than you think(lol)

so, when you do hangout with your friend or anyone, you have to use wifil(coffee shop, or school).

And i 've never taken this kind of class before. the class content is so fresh and our class is lack of time.

Additional comments on the topic -> our topic is about public behavior and we exchange many things that we think.

one thing that i felt something lacking was we didn't form a conclusion. So when we meet and if there is chance to debate, I really want to find solution of dealing with people who smoke on the street, making some solutions for people who spit on the road, ...etc.

I always want 318mates and jeff to get ambition and I hope we can meet soon. ^ㅡ^


2014년 12월 1일 월요일

Behavior in public area

Behavior in public area

Sung-ji and I are going to talk about behavior in public area.
we divide 4categories about behavior in public area.
First we are going to talk about spitting in the public place.
There are so many people who spit on the road.
Some people can feel uncomfortable emotion. here is an example(article)

what I underline is talking about national character in korea.
Spitting on the public place doesn't hurt people or nature. but it can devalue image of nation.
So First question
Q1. Is it okay to leave people spitiing on the public place?

Second content is about smoking on the street

Smoking on the street is illegal in korea and other country.
But many people ignore the law and when they got done for smoking on the street, they don't mind seriously. Because degree of penalty is not high. so the question is
Q2. How could we deal with people who smoking on the street


Third we'd like to talk about PDA(public display of affection)
We can see young couple hug and kiss in cafe, street, even library..etc
Behavior of affection is not the problem.
But it can cause unpleasant emotion to some people in the public area.
Q3. Is it okay to express affection in the public area?
Q4. To what extent is allowed in the public area?

Last thing is about eating food in the vehicles(bus, train, taxi)

We sometimes see some people eating food in the bus, train and taxi.
There is some people who eat smelly food in the train or bus.
Then most people frowned to him/she. because transportation is not he/she's possesion.
But there is no law of eating food in the public vehicles.
So last question is
Q5. Is it okay to eating food in the public vehicles?
Q6. Is it okay to eating food in the public vehicles even if the food is not smelly?